
Showing posts from September, 2022

A Brief Introduction to Cloud Gaming & Android Cloud Emulator Platforms 2022

The past few years have witnessed that there is strong momentum in the gaming sector. Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the industry has enjoyed an additional enhancement. In addition, the gaming sector adopts the cloud computing paradigm via the implementation of cloud gaming. Cloud Gaming Overview Cloud gaming is a type of online gaming that runs video games on remote servers and streams them directly to a user's device, or more colloquially, playing a game remotely from a cloud. It contrasts with traditional means of gaming, wherein a game runs locally on a user's video game console, personal computer, or mobile device. All the heavy lifting will be done "in the cloud." Cloud gaming platforms operate in a similar manner to remote desktops and video-on-demand services; games are stored and executed remotely on a provider's dedicated hardware and streamed as video to a player's device via client software. The client software handles the player's inputs, which a

Redfinger | Diablo Immortal Will Embrace the First Major Update on September 28

As per the latest announcement released on September 21, Diablo Immortal will see a major first update - Forgotten Nightmares. Following the server maintenance on September 28, players are able to enjoy the updated content. The ominous black mist emanating from the ancient Silent Monastery is hard to navigate. Such a threat would allow this whole area to be in darkness. In this new dungeon, players who reach level 60 or higher can form teams. The inside of Silent Monastery is home to the eternal night, and it is almost impossible to find a way out of it. Fortunately, some temple statues can be lit up. It should be noted that they are the only assistants that can weaken the nightmare demons lurking in the shadows. When players light up these statues and expel the monsters in the dungeon, this area will be filled with light. Following the temple comes back to light, there is but one direction to head: into the obsidian heart of the Silent Monastery. It's a challenging task for player

Industry News | A3: Still Alive Adds New Character Souldbinder for Players 2022

As an all-new dark fantasy open world mobile RPG from Netmarble, A3: Still Alive global servers launches on November 10, 2020. There are few changes to keep pace with the current industry status recently, covering the introduction of blockchain technology and the expansion of current characters in the game.  A blockchain-based economy system is introduced in A3: Still Alive - INETRIUM, a cryptocurrency that can be earned and used in the game, and which can also be traded outside the game. INETRIUM coins can be used in real economic transactions, which lifts the limitation of owning assets that can only exist within a specific game.  As per the latest announcement on September 23, 2022, A3: Still Alive features an all-new character, Souldbinder, along with special events and content to celebrate. Soulbinder can dominate the field as she fires her direct attacks with soul bullets or can battle along a Summoned Creature that boosts her ATK and DEF strength over enemies.  To celebrate the

Industry News | MMORPG Mir Revolution Is Now Open for Registration in South Korea

According to the latest news, Mir Revolution, which is developed by Royal production and officially authorized by Actoz Soft in South Korea, will be rolled out in the near future. At the time being, players are able to pre-register in the platform like Google Play.  As a new MMORPG that reinterprets the popular PC classic online game Mir on mobile phones, Mir Revolution is scheduled to be launched by Mini King Games. In addition to maintaining the original three classic professionals, including warriors, mages, and Taoist priests for players to choose and use, the game will also cover the original work about worldview and siege warfare.  It should be noted that 3D engine technology is to be implemented in Mir Revolution, enabling players to experience the pleasure brought by the authentic MMORPG battles on mobile phones. What’s more, the game will also be equipped with rich content such as a map about the item drop rate, a treasure chest, and an unlimited trading market. By doing so, p

20週年經典傳承 MMORPG扛鼎之作《RO仙境傳說:愛如初見》正式上市

恰逢RO的20週年,2022年6月15日,由 Gravity Game Vision 發行的《RO仙境傳說》正統續作 MMORPG《RO仙境傳說:愛如初見》,這款新作想必也會讓玩家再一次去追憶過往。9月5日,官方宣佈預約人數即將突破100萬,與此同時,官方邀請林俊傑擔任遊戲代言人,讓更多冒險玩家參與到上市系列活動當中。 近日,官方宣佈將於 9 月 15 日正式上市該款遊戲,目前,《RO仙境傳說:愛如初見》已開啟預先下載通道,讓玩家們搶先下載安裝。根據官方資料,該遊戲為《RO》系列集大成之作,遊戲最經典的多職業轉職系統自然也被傳承下來。與此同時,官方表示,由於事前預約人數正式突破 150 萬人,最後階段獎勵「最初的港動(頭飾外觀)」已解鎖,正式上市後預約里程的相關獎勵將會直接送到冒險者們信箱中,玩家屆時可上線領取。 除了多職業轉職系統與社交功能,《RO仙境傳說:愛如初見》還進一步深化地圖的可玩性。在原有的垂釣功能之外,地圖還增加了一系列場景互動功能,玩家可和遊戲中人物一起坐在教堂的長椅、嘗試攀爬山壁、享受探索地圖的樂趣。 作為主打經典傳承,《RO仙境傳說:愛如初見》保留了各類當年備受冒險者們青睞的核心玩法,更要讓冒險者們看到二十年後傳承嶄新的內容,從端遊走向手遊,再次突破技術性,成就多平台數據互通,隨時隨地任意暢遊,還原RO Online經典感受。 在上市當日,《RO仙境傳說:愛如初見》官方 Facebook 粉絲專頁為冒險者們準備了上市專屬系列活動福利,只要在遊戲中完成學院教程任務後,於粉絲專頁活動貼文留言處,上傳分享畢業自拍照,並留下 UID 與角色暱稱,最後記得按讚及公開分享活動貼文,即有機會機會獲得精心準備的豐富禮品。 截止目前,紅手指雲手機平台支持市場上大部分的手機遊戲,不用擔心遊戲的不適配問題。隨著大部分手機遊戲所佔用的儲存空間變得越來越大,對於喜歡下載多款手游的玩家來說,手機的儲存空間往往是不夠的。 然而,如果《RO仙境傳說:愛如初見》玩家使用紅手指雲手機平台,手機存儲的顧慮無需擔心,可以隨心暢玩熱衷的遊戲。同時,玩家還可以用同一個紅手指賬戶管理多臺雲手機,以滿足多任務、多賬號運行需求。《RO仙境傳說:愛如初見》現已上架到紅手指應用商店,冒險著們即刻即可開啟《RO仙境傳說:愛如初見》新篇章。 玩家如何下載和遊玩《RO仙境傳說:愛如初見》 1.在Googl

Redfinger | War of GAMA Is to Launch Closed Beta Test Event

The MMORPG mobile game War of GAMA will be rolled out with one server, reproducing the quality of the game, operating with one hand, and bringing fantasy into reality. Against the backdrop of the fact that the official is devoted to enabling players to experience the charm of the game in advance, a global limited CBT event will be held on September 21, according to the latest news. At that time, War of GAMA players are able to enjoy the journey to the unknown continent. A Brief Introduction to Closed Beta Test In order to allow players to experience the charm of the game, a global limited closed test event is to be held from September 21 to September 27, 2022, as per the official announcement. Due to there are limited number of participants required, players should pay attention to the latest news. The CBT will hold a list of activities, such as daily diamond and gold supply. Players can receive 4,000 diamonds and 300,000 gold coins in their mailboxes as long as they log in to the game

Beginners' Guide | Top Tips and Tricks to Enjoy Playing Aura Kingdom 2

Developed by X-Legend, Aura Kingdom 2 gains popularity among classic MMORPGs. Redfinger is the ideal platform to enjoy this Android game. At the beginning of Aura Kingdom 2, players are asked to watch the prologue of history, obtain various awards. It should be noted that a rare currency should not be spent at the primary stage but put for later progression. In the first 7 days, the system will actively reward players for performing various actions. Aura Kingdom 2: Character Overview Aura Kingdom 2 Dungeons Overview Aura Kingdom 2 Guild Guide Aura Kingdom 2 Equipment Guide How to download and play Aura Kingdom 2 on Redfinger Aura Kingdom 2: Character Overview Four character classes can be found in Aura Kingdom 2: As a traditional assassin, Shinobi boasts high critical damage and attack. Dragoon - a melee fighter - has high attack and defense. Different from other classes, Elementalist is a magician with all stats in balance and able to attack several enemies at the same time. Acting as

Beginners' Guide | Sword Master Story Tips & Tricks 2022

Last updated: Sep 08, 2022 Since the year of 2016, Korean developer studio Super Planet has rolled out lists of mobile games of various types including Sword Master Story. As an action RPG, Sword Master Story depicts the story of an ordinary student - Cain - who goes to another world by accident and becomes a Sword Master and fights against evil.  An overview of heroes in Sword Master Story As is known to all, heroes are an essential part of the game. In Sword Master Story, heroes are divided into different classes as well as types. Classes are classified into the following aspects: Warrior, Healer, Archer, and Mage. Each hero belongs to the corresponding types accordingly, covering Leaf (Green), Water (Blue), Fire (Red), Light (Yellow), and Dark (Purple).  All these facts combined mentioned above exert an impact on the damage against enemies and the gameplay. By obtaining new heroes, players are asked to summon or gain rewards from progression in the campaign, quests, events, etc. As

Beginners' Guide | MIR2M: The Warrior Tips and Tricks You Should Know

Developed by ChuanQi IP Co., Ltd, MIR 2M: The Warrior - a new legend from the historical point of Legend of Mir2, the legendary K-fantasy RPG game – is now open for game players to download. Let's take a brief introduction of this game, enabling Redfinger users to be the one who's destined to be the legendary hero.  Completing daily events in the game As per the official description, players can experience endless contents and daily events running for more than 12 hours every day. These contents help MIR2M: The Warrior players craft the best possible player, equipment, and overall skill. Due to the fact that MIR2M is based on an old-school K-RPG, gamers should pay more emphasis on daily events, different from other RPG-typed games.  Players can easily complete the daily events in that they can match the character level. This indicates that players are able to obtain maximum rewards which are worth it no matter how you look at the situation through doing a minimal amount of work