
Showing posts from August, 2022


作為一款神明召喚系放置卡牌類手機遊戲,《諸神紀元》將帶領玩家進入人與神共存的世界。目前,該款遊戲的事前預約人數已經突破30萬。有消息指出,《諸神紀元》將於2022年夏末到秋季期間上線公測。 從官方網站可以了解到,《諸神紀元》以神話和創新兩大核心概念打造,給玩家創造一個次世代的神話世界。火、木、水、光、暗等五大元素也貫穿在遊戲當中,通過元素之間的相生相剋原理,讓遊戲玩法更為多變。玩家也可以根據自己的偏好來選擇主攻的元素,帶來不一樣的遊戲體驗。 火元素 烈焰與灰燼佔據了火元素的大地,但烈焰燃燒是無法止住的,只會不斷擴散撕裂森林大地。輸出一流的火天神是每一場戰鬥輸出的保障。代表遊戲人物有僵七七,掌握冥界之火的天神,最大特點是復活自己和操控敵方死靈;關羽,越戰越勇的技能特性輸出無線大招;小紅帽,沿襲法師特點,火球術讓其給敵方帶來額外的傷害。 木元素  因水的灌溉而生長,在烈焰中消亡,這象征著生生不息的生命循環,即木元素的誕生。穩重的木天神會在每場戰鬥中,以不同形式為隊友提供庇護和更高的戰鬥力。代表遊戲人物有賽特,擁有毒系與風暴結合的侵蝕之術,將敵人引致慢性死亡;荷魯斯,凝聚風靈之力提升己方輸出位,降低敵方命中率;蘇娜,擅長普通攻擊,還能自動判定,選擇最優的攻擊手段。 水元素  海水翻湧,將肆虐的烈焰消滅。形態多變且威力十足的水元素,剋制著暴怒的火元素,但被木元素所抑制。靈活多變的水天神是你近戰陣容的鐵衛。代表遊戲人物有波塞頓,越坦越高輸出,將受傷轉化為傷害;源義經,善用刀鋒,有免疫攻擊的特性;瓦爾基裡,極高的防禦能力讓敵方難以擊破,故而成為成為敵方首要攻擊對象。 光元素  光明的存在為了驅散黑暗,賦予萬物向陽的生命力。光天神擁有著不俗的範圍傷害,還對暗天神有剋制的能力。代表遊戲人物有阿波羅,不僅有超強的群攻技能,還有不俗的自保能力;嫦娥,通過獨有的月魂印記可以加倍製造傷害;哪吒,有著特殊的攻擊效果-灼燒,範圍攻擊敵軍。 暗元素   黑暗逐漸蔓延,侵蝕著任何可觸之地,以生命的代價換取更高的傷害。暗元素使玩家不懼面對劣勢,只會越戰越勇。代表遊戲人物有涅墨西斯,獨有半血免傷特性,使其能無懼火力;哈迪斯,統治冥界的神,掌控死亡,專克復活流天神;阿努比斯,墳墓的守護神,能夠製造絕對的人數優勢。 截止目前,紅手指雲手機平台支持市場上大部分的手機遊戲,不用擔心遊戲的不適配問題。隨著大部分


8月24日,KOMOE GAME宣佈純正幻想RPG手機遊戲《悠久之樹》正式上線港澳台地區。「提塔爾耶拉」作為一片神代文明與現代文明交融的土地,基於神明在遺跡裡面埋藏了諸多珍貴遺產,現代人開始探索神代遺跡,殊不知捲入一場跨越時代的紛爭當中,玩家即刻可通過紅手指雲手機下載《悠久之樹》,開啟冒險之旅。 進入《悠久之樹》初期會有一個引導任務,玩家可以進行第一次的十連抽,玩家可以重複抽取初始池,獲得自己滿意的結果,有機會獲得1-2個SSR角色。由於前期的資源緊缺,新手玩家的初期目標是養成一個屬性隊伍,即包含主要角色,同伴,迴響加成,虛數體。 圍繞火、風、水、土、光、暗屬性的角色卡特性,《悠久之樹》玩家可自由搭配出自己最強的隊伍,不斷挑戰新的篇章。每個角色不僅擁有各具特點的共鳴術,更有精心製作的技能動畫,考驗釋放策略的同時也能夠享受到超華麗的打擊感。同時,玩家也可以選擇進行自動戰鬥,滿足不同類型的玩家需求。 而《悠久之樹》的養成基本都被細分,在角色部分,便有四大類的養成方式,即強化、突破、同步和基能。其中「強化」和「突破」是提升等級和提高角色的等級上限,並不需要透過獲得相同的角色才能進行。 至於另外兩個養成系統「同步」和「基能」,即是後期的強化方式。同步是利用角色碎片來提升角色的被動能力和屬性成長,而基能則是在同步提高後,可以進一步強化技能和角色被動屬性的系統。玩家開始不使用這兩個系統,也能夠輕鬆打通主線。 截止目前,紅手指雲手機平台支持市場上大部分的手機遊戲,不用擔心遊戲的不適配問題。隨著大部分手機遊戲所佔用的儲存空間變得越來越大,對於喜歡下載多款手游的玩家來說,手機的儲存空間往往是不夠的。然而,如果玩家使用紅手指雲手機平台,手機存儲的顧慮無需擔心,可以隨心暢玩熱衷的遊戲。同時,玩家還可以用同一個紅手指賬戶管理多臺雲手機,以滿足多任務、多賬號運行需求。 玩家如何下載和遊玩《悠久之樹》 1.在Google Play中搜索 紅手指雲手機 並下載應用程序 或者單擊官方網站並通過瀏覽器使用該應用程序。 2. 完成登錄步驟以訪問紅手指雲智能手機。 注意:如果您遇到相關問題,請查看我們的 教程視頻 。 3. 在紅手指雲手機APP Store的搜索欄中搜索《悠久之樹》。 4. 在紅手指雲手機中下載並安裝遊戲。 5. 運行遊戲。

Redfinger | Tips & Tricks for MU Origin 3 ASIA Players to Choose Class Tier

According to this class guide of MU Origin 3 ASIA, a full understanding of the class can be grasped to start their journey in the game. Similar to other MMORPGs, MU Origin 3 ASIA enables players to create lists of characters freely on multiple servers while using 1 character at a time. There are 3 classes in the game for players to choose from, covering Swordsman, Mage, and Archer. Swordsman Class As the melee class in MU Origin 3 ASIA, swordsman makes use of the sword weapon. Being committed to becoming a solid tank or semi-tank, the class has to tank damage in that there is no tank class in the game. Swordsman's performance is closely related to the position as there is a need to cover high-value targets, such as Archer or Mage. It should be noted that swordsman is gender locked and can only be male.  Mage Class Mage - a short-mid ranged class in MU Origin 3 ASIA – takes advantage of the Wand weapon to deal magical damage to enemies. Acting as a supporter, the class is able to pr

Redfinger | An Overview of Tower of Fantasy Characters - SSR Rarity Characters

Previously, we have talked about the Tower of Fantasy SR Rarity Characters. In addition to the characters mentioned in the last article, there are 10 other SSR characters in Tower of Fantasy, enabling players to grasp a full understanding of the characters.  Tsubasa: Icewind Arrow As a ranged sub DPS, Tsubasa is able to shoot targets and cast area-of-effect arrow showers. If colliding with an obstacle, the skill can stun targets with a short cooldown of only twelve seconds. What’s more, the discharge ability can be used to gain cold front, increasing damage and speed.  Cocoritter: Absolute Zero One of the few healers in Tower of Fantasy Cocoritter boasts similar special skills of Pepper due to the fact the character provides a field of effect with healing. But Cocoritter has much better scaling. Once Cocoritter lacks enough effect, the discharge ability enables it to heal over time.  Nemesis: Venus If players choose Nemesis to play with Volt weapon, Volt attack power will increase by 1

Redfinger | An Overview of Tower of Fantasy Characters - SR Rarity Characters

August 10 saw Tower of Fantasy developed by the HOTTA Studio has been launched across the world. Meanwhile, this game has been uploaded to Redfinger APP Store for players to enjoy the journey.  According to the official website, there are 15 characters in Tower of Fantasy in the current rotation, which is known as Simulacra. As to the tier list, five characters are classified as the SR Rarity, while the rest of them are SSR Rarity. This guide explicitly offers Redfinger players an overview of the SR Rarity characters.  Echo: Thunderous Halberd For the time being, Echo is by far the best shield breaker, indicating it can be a helper to use a weapon in the rotation due to the shield enemies boast. Players are able to utilize quick spear attack skills to paralyze and electrify the target. Ene: Pummeler Ene increases damage as well as creates a wind current by swinging a giant maul around. The character fails to have dodge cost though standing in the wind current. Following gaining improve

Redfinger | Tips & Tricks for Tower of Fantasy Players to Embark Adventure

August 10 saw Tower of Fantasy developed by the HOTTA Studio has been launched across the world. As the newest MMORPG, the game gains more than 1 million downloads combined. Similar to Gemshin Impact, Tower of Fantasy adopts a gacha-based system to unlock unique combat abilities. Our beginner’s guide aims to provide tips and tricks, which can help in the primary stage.  Customize Your Character Wisely Tower of Fantasy enables players to create unique Wanderer in a customization manner. If Tower of Fantasy offers a great selection of customization options to create your own unique Wanderer. There is a need for players to cough up Dark Crystals to change their appearance and build avatars. Different from other MMORPGs, the game does not offer players to choose a class to embark on the adventure. However, it is required for the novice to the gender of the character. It should be noted that the server after you choose can not be changed.  Use Relics Sparingly Relics are special items that

Beginners' Guide | How to Download and Play Dark Hero Dash on Redfinger

As a simulation game developed by BluePotion Games, Dark Hero Dash: Idle RPG is officially launched on August 4. It's time for players to combat the monsters and bosses to gain an advantage in the game.  Due to the fact that the game is an Idle RPG, the combat can be done in an automatic manner without operation. The competition can be automatically run in that the combat system does not require players to keep it. A variety of diamonds can be given following the completion of each battle in every stage.  By achieving different levels in Dark Hero Dash: Idle RPG and unlocking skills along with weapons, players can gain idle rewards like diamonds. In addition, killing loads of bosses can be a means to gain prizes. Completing correspondent daily quests, repeats, and achievements are available for players to get it as well.  As to the way how to level up the character in the game, players must gather enough EXP by killing enemies in battles. In this way, players are able to enable the

Beginners' Guide | How to Download and Play Noah's Heart on Redfinger

August 3 saw the launch of Noah's Heart – an MMORPG developed by Archosaur Games. More activities can be found in the game at this time. Players now can enjoy exploring Noah's world with redfinger cloud phone. Creating a character is the first step to enjoying the game. There are a variety of aspects provided for players to choose from depending on their own flavor, ranging from eye color to face type. After setting up the avatar's appearance, players should choose what weapon to employ. It should be noted that a system where the class is determined by the weapon players have equipped is utilized in Noah's Heart. Similar to Tower of Fantasy or Genshin Impact, players can combat with a few spins on the control methods. Weapon skills should be used to summon the Phantom skills so as to fight against the enemies. To build a team up for specific needs is requisite solely from how many different situations the game can throw at players. Phantoms come in 6 different elements

遊戲指南|使用紅手指雲手機暢玩智慧型手機遊戲《鋼之鍊金術師 MOBILE》

近日,SQUARE ENIX宣布《鋼之鍊金術師 MOBILE》将於 2022 年 8 月 4 日在日本上市。作為漫畫題材改編的手機遊戲,除了延續原作的故事劇情外,還搭載這3D CG戰鬥演出,彰顯故事魅力。 從官網了解到,《鋼之鍊金術師 MOBILE》公開了四大遊戲角色供玩家進行選擇,分別為傷疤男(CV:三宅健太)、佐爾夫J金普利(CV:吉野裕行)、伊茲米卡迪斯(CV:津田匠子)、馮霍恩海姆(CV:堀内賢雄)。 傷疤男是在《鋼之鍊金術師 MOBILE》中受亞美斯多利斯國軍殘殺的伊修瓦爾人的倖存者,極為憎恨踐踏故鄉,為了報仇不惜粉身碎骨。佐爾夫J金普利,別名為「紅蓮」的國家鍊金術師。雖然看起來像紳士,但身處賭上性命的戰場時卻會感到興奮。 伊茲米卡迪斯也是艾力克兄弟的師傅,教導兩人何為鍊金術以及戰鬥技巧。雖然曾讓兄弟在無人島生活 1 個月等,採取斯巴達式的教育。馮霍恩海姆作為艾力克兄弟的父親,身手高超的鍊金術師。因過去的經歷將自己稱作非人類的「怪物」。 《鋼之鍊金術師 MOBILE》事前登錄人數已突破 100 萬人,為此決定追加發布可以選擇 1 個特定的 SSR 記憶印影進行鍊成的道具「SSR 選擇式記憶鍊成符」。而其他已決定發布的遊戲內道具,還包含 20 次轉蛋及 SR 角色「溫莉」。 截止目前,紅手指雲手機平台支持市場上大部分的手機遊戲,不用擔心遊戲的不適配問題。隨著大部分手機遊戲所佔用的儲存空間變得越來越大,對於喜歡下載多款手游的玩家來說,手機的儲存空間往往是不夠的。 然而,如果玩家使用紅手指雲手機平台,手機存儲的顧慮無需擔心,可以隨心暢玩熱衷的遊戲。同時,玩家還可以用同一個紅手指賬戶管理多臺雲手機,以滿足多任務、多賬號運行需求。 待遊戲上架後,玩家們可以前往紅手指雲手機的官方網站或者Google Play中下載 應用程式 ,根據自己的需求來選擇不同的設備等級套餐,下載完成後即可在各個端暢玩《鋼之鍊金術師 MOBILE》。屆時,更為詳細的指南也等待各位玩家一同去探索。