
Showing posts from July, 2022

Beginners' Guide | How to Choose Right Class to Play Lineage W on Redfinger

  As per the latest announcement, 3rd Episode: Giran of Lineage W - NCsoft's cross-platform MMORPG - is ready to be provided for players to preregister following the sequels to the 2nd Episode: Dark Elf along with 1st Episode: Aden. In addition, the character in Lineage W will be altered, including Calvary. In this way, the article is dedicated to providing insights about the way how to choose the proper character to enjoy the game. It can be founded that the class is divided into four classes, covering Elf, Knight, Monarch and Magician. As the archer class, Elf is a powerful long-ranged attacker that has weak defense and health to a fault. As such, the class is so vulnerable in the battlefield when fighting against the enemies in close range. It’s ideal for players who want to get more tasks done when playing Lineage W to choose to provide shield for allies.  Knight – the tank class in Lineage W – boasts powerful defenses along with rarely dies in battle. As such, even if players

Beginners' Guide | How to Download and Play ALICE Fiction on Redfinger

WonderPlanet Inc.'s new mobile game "ALICE Fiction" was launched globally simultaneously on July 27. As a light-speed puzzle RPG, players can experience simple and refreshing high-light puzzle battles in the game.  By eliminating a large number of soul orbs within the specified time, the battle can be advantageously carried out, and the ultra-gorgeous nirvana that is activated under certain conditions is very refreshing.  As per the official announcement, in order to commemorate the number of the pre-registered worldwide exceeding 1 million, the official team will give away 12,000 crystals equivalent to "40 consecutive copies of the gashapon" for ALICE Fiction starters. The following characters can attempt for the ALICE Fiction novice. A single-target heavy damage dealer like Musashi, Lancelot, or Sharizotan. A healer like Galen or Asclepius. A Folklore that can damage multiple enemies at a time like Neu or Cleopatra. There is no doubt that most quests can be do

Beginners' Guide | How to Download and Play MU ORIGIN 3 ASIA on Redfinger

July 27 saw that the long-awaited MU ORIGIN 3 ASIA is finally rolled out in specific regions/countries. At present, players are able to enjoy the adventure in this new MU world. Maps in the game have been updated, aiming at shortening the "loading time". In addition, brand-new attack patterns can be found in MU ORIGIN 3 ASIA. There are three different classes provided in MU ORIGIN 3 ASIA, covering Archer, Swordsmen, and Mage. Archer safeguards their homeland with deadly precision. Swordsmen protect all they hold dear with their fast blades and unwavering courage. Mage obliterates the evils of the world in magnificent fashion. Players can experience the first true 3D world of MU with 360° fields of view. Isometric views are things of the past. In addition, players make a fortune by free trading in the high-return auction house. With the high drop rate of rare equipment and materials, players in MU ORIGIN 3 ASIA may find treasures anywhere in the fantasy world of MU. What’s mor

Top New Games for Android & iOS to Play on Redfinger 2022 Ⅱ

Following the previous articles, there are still some new games for players to enjoy. As such, a list of the top games can be found as followed to help players make a judgment call: Ragnarok V: Returns The long-awaited game  Ragnarok V: Returns  rolled out this May after two rounds of close beta tests. As the sequel to Ragnarok: Valkyrie Uprising, Ragnarok V: Returns is also developed by Gravity.  There are various jobs and characters for players to choose and aim to find the job that suits players best. 60 different Mercenaries and 26 types of Pets can be found during the adventure. In addition, parties and guilds allow people to meet new players and foster enduring relationships.  Those who are fans of the Ragnarok series for sure are absorbed in this game. Check this game and enjoy it with redfinger cloud phone~ Freelife Origin SEA Following the closure of CBT lasting for serval days, May 24 witnessed the launch of  Freelife Origin SEA , which boasts the potential to gain popularity

Beginners' Guide | How to Download and Play Ragnarok X: Next Generation on Redfinger

Ragnarok X: Next Generation was rolled out in June 2021, developed by Gravity and published by Nuverse. The MMORPG mobile game enables players to enjoy adventures, covering memories creation, life skills enhancement, and classic job development. When the novice completes certain requirements, players are able to choose the first class to enjoy the adventure. Six different classes in Ragnarok X: Next Generation, each with two sub-classes, are provided for players to choose from, covering Archer (Hunter or Dancer), Merchant (Blacksmith or Alchemist), Thief (Assassin or Rogue), Swordsman (Knight or Crusader), Acolyte (Priest or Monk), and Mage (Wizard or Sage). Capable of AoE damage, the Archer class employs ranged attacks and supporting traps to keep enemies at bay. Their skills include Double Strafe, Arrow Shower, Arrow Repel, and Ankle Snare. The Merchant class, known for gaining money, can utilize axes and pushcarts to deal damage. Heavy armor can be equipped so as to make a differenc

Redfinger Guide | An Overview of Class Change in Diablo Immortal

Recent days saw the creation of a new class change mechanic in Diablo Immortal. By doing so, players may relieve the pressure to choose which classes to play with enhanced flexibility. There is a need for players who show a willingness to experience Sanctuary anew as a different class to visit the Shifting Flames brazier in Westmarch. It should be noted that players are required to reach level 35 to change class. Players can change class once every seven days at no cost. However, it is hard to revert to the previous class. At the time being, players cannot change class in a frequent manner.  When changing to each class for the first time, players will be granted placeholder gear, which will have a similar rank to the previously equipped gear of the last class. Besides, all social group affiliations covering class and Warband will carry over. And the cosmetics cannot be exchanged with the changing class.  Begin your journey in Diablo Immortal with Redfinger  Against the backdrop of auto

Beginners' Guide | How to Download and Play LoTR: Heroes of Middle-earth on Redfinger

The Lord of the Rings: Heroes of Middle-earth - a free-to-play collectible RPG – has been officially launched in the Philippines, developed by Electronic Arts. The game is characterized by immersive storytelling, turn-based combat, deep collection systems, and various different characters. The game's PvP, Story, and PvE modes can be done through the efforts of players and their friends. Players are able to put forward strategies to attack enemies together so as to gain synergy bonuses. Joining guilds is another way to achieve this. Players in LoTR: Heroes of Middle-earth can embark on squad battles in PvP games, turn-based wars, and equip weapons to compete with stronger foes.  In addition, LoTR: Heroes of Middle-earth features a card-based mobile game, according to the brief information. Players can open gacha drops in the form of card packs, thereby recruiting new characters to the team. By doing so, the characters in the game can be easily leveled up.  As a virtual Android syste

Beginners' Guide | How to Download and Play Dragon Raja Origin on Zemit on Redfinger

Developed by Billion Games Inc., DRAGON RAJA ORIGIN on ZEMIT – its first MMORPG blockchain game - is now available for players to pre-register on Google Play. According to the official site, the game will be launched in August 2022.  The game is officially authorized by the well-known novel DRAGONRAJA ORIGIN, which gains various popularity among people. DRAGON RAJA ORIGIN on ZEMIT adopts the principle of Play to Earn, using blockchain technology to enable players to gain limited NFT and earn ZEMIT.  It means that players can make money while playing games. In addition to the economic model, the content in the game will be on the chain to secure the rights of players and enhance the security of transactions. Meanwhile, the cost of transactions will be reduced as per DeFi philosophy.  Dragon Raja Origin on Zemit has three different classes, covering Knight, Archer, and Wizard. Based on strong HP, Knight is easy to block and attack at a closed distance. Archer has low HP while the class b

Top New Games for Android & iOS to Play on Redfinger 2022

Looking back to the previous few weeks, a variety of games comes to Redfinger cloud phone. There is no doubt that players show a willingness to try out new racing adventures. Amid the backdrop of helping players make a judgment call, a list of the top games can be found as followed: Diablo Immortal June 2 of this year witnessed the launch of the free-to-play video game -  Diablo Immortal  in the Diablo series. Developed by Blizzard Entertainment and NetEase, the game is mainly designed for the mobile version. The game has been downloaded more than 5 million times and currently has a 4.5-star average rating on Google Play. Diablo Immortal enables players to look for a massive MMORPG world of Sanctuary to explore various ways to customize characters and equipment. Barbarian, Demon Hunter, Monk, or Wizard can be selected during this journey. When winning in the battle, players can unlock new skills to help them to be strong participants in this game.  If players are curious about Diablo s

Beginners' Guide | How to Download and Play NieR Reincarnation on Redfinger

As Square Enix's first sequel to the mobile platform, NieR Reincarnation will be rolled out across platforms on July 14, aiming at celebrating the 10th anniversary of the NieR series. It should be noted that the year of 2021 saw the game launches the Japanese as well as Global versions. The game depicts a girl who wakes up in a cage, suffering from mysterious nightmares and has no memories while Mama greets the girl. The girl and mama then set out on a journey to restore memories of the girl. NieR Reincarnation is set in the hallow NieR and Drakengrad universe. The cage, which is formed around various towns along with dungeons, is the primary world for players to enjoy.  There are more than 600,000 users to reach the pre-register activity in NieR Reincarnation. As such, players are able to get 4,500 free gems, 3 premium gashapon coupons, and a variety of enhanced materials. By starting the journey in the game after the official launch, players are easy to get the rewards. According


由艾玩天地所代理的金庸首款空戰武俠  MMO  大作《天龍八部 2 》手遊于 7 月 7 日正式上線,作為完美世界手游原班人員傾力製作,該款遊戲延續了經典故事與場景,讓玩家可以感受武俠豪感。 《天龍八部 2 》手遊高度還原原著中的六大門派,包含「武當」、「峨眉」、「逍遙」、「天山」、「無塵」及「丐幫」。武當看家本領為天外飛仙與白鶴亮翅,具備最強爆發以及控制能力,再戰鬥中所向披靡。峨眉招式剛柔並濟,看家本領為金頂棉掌與清心普善咒,不僅能復活隊友,還能再緊急時刻使用無敵技能保命。逍遙看家本領為彈指神通與凌波微步,擁有最強易傷,可以大大提升團隊輸出。 與前面三大門派不同的是,《天龍八部 2 》其他三大門派擅長進程和外功。天山看家本領為羅雪無聲與傲雪凌霜,在戰鬥中可瞬間隱身,讓對手難以防範,是輸出職業的剋星。無塵看家本領為獅子吼與大力金剛掌,擁有最強的減傷和免控效果,受到傷害時還可以反彈傷害。而丐幫的看家本領為降龍十八掌與打狗棒法,攻守兼備,擁有閃避能力,並具備一定程度的免疫控制。 玩家可以在《天龍八部 2 》中感受到 3D 特效畫面,與影片中的經典場景無差別疊加,創造自己的江湖,打造傳奇世界。玩家也許能在洛陽街頭湧上似曾相識的感受,不要遲疑,此乃金庸先生筆下的洛陽城,《天龍八部 2 》玩家可以在這裡參與挑戰,享受閒暇時光。 截止目前,紅手指雲手機平台支持市場上大部分的手機遊戲,不用擔心遊戲的不適配問題。隨著大部分手機遊戲所佔用的儲存空間變得越來越大,對於喜歡下載多款手游的玩家來說,手機的儲存空間往往是不夠的。 然而,如果玩家使用紅手指雲手機平台,手機存儲的顧慮無需擔心,可以隨心暢玩熱衷的遊戲。同時,玩家還可以用同一個紅手指賬戶管理多臺雲手機,以滿足多任務、多賬號運行需求。 玩家如何下載和暢玩《天龍八部 2 》 1. 在 Google Play 中搜索 紅手指雲手機 並下載應用程序 或者單擊官方網站並通過瀏覽器使用該應用程序。 2.  完成登錄步驟以訪問紅手指雲智能手機。 注意:如果您遇到相關問題,請查看我們的 教程視頻 。 3.  在 APP Store 的搜索欄中搜索《天龍八部 2 》。 4.  在紅手指雲手機中下載並安裝遊戲。 5.  運行遊戲。

Beginners' Guide | How to Download and Play Yulgang Global on Redfinger

As a novel P2E game, Yulgang Global enables players to choose from classes and take part in a long adventure globally. It should be noted that players can gain real money through the way of farming specific resources as well as cryptocurrency.  It is recommended that players should progress in a fast manner via the main story so as to unlock everything that the game has to offer. Players in Yulgang Global can purchase upgrades and power-up characters by farming materials along with resources.  It is essential for players in Yulgang Global to choose one of the classes in that it defines the way players' gameplay. Wardens and Assassins can utterly destroy anything. Wardens can facetank and destroy everything without much thought, while Assassins need to be more conservative and deliberate. Upon reaching level 15, players will unlock the gear upgrade feature, advancing equipment, enhancing stats, and improving performance in battles. The ideal means to achieve these is to upgrade gear

Beginners' Guide | How to Download and Play Freelife Origin SEA on Redfinger

May 24 saw the launch of Freelife Origin SEA after the end of CBT lasting for serval days, gaining the attention of various players who were fans of the Ragnarok franchise. At present, the game is finally accessible to players in South-East Asia regions/countries. The guides mentioned below can be a helper for the novice to start adventures.  The official news notes that at the first beginning, the server - S1: Baphomet – is opened following more servers will be opened. Classes are available to choose job classes except for Rogue. It seems that Freelife Origin SEA enables players to spend a certain time on the game experience.  In addition, beginners are able to gain 10,000 Nyan Berry, which acts as a currency to buy premium items, when they stumbled upon the game in recent days, as per the official site. Furthermore, players can claim additional freebies by adding the Freelife Origin SEA Official LINE Account.  There are a variety of classes to choose from depending on the preferred s

Beginners' Guide | How to Download and Play Never After on Redfinger

As the newest game intending to combine the elements of classic ARPG and city-building genre, Never After is rolled out on 14th June 2022 globally. Developed by NetEase Games, Never After enables players to join forces with classic fairy tale characters. The main characters in Never After are included in 5 types of classes, similar to the MMORPG. It can be found that players are able to create multiple characters in one account while only one character is available for players to employ at a time. Different insight and skills can be utilized in the battles for each class. There are 5 classes in the game, covering Hunter, Sorcerer, Musician, Knight, Assassin. Hunter boasts a high attack speed ranged carry while Sorcerer controls the elements of nature. Musician can heal and support allies with the flow of music. Knight is the sturdy shining one in armor and Assassin gain a DPS heavy melee beast, best suited for executions. It is recommended that players can enjoy Never After with Assass

Beginners' Guide | Tips & Tricks about Ni No Kuni: Cross Worlds Global 2022

May 25 witnessed the launch of the long-awaited game Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds developed by Netmarble. Originally released in Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan last year, the game's global server is out. Here are some tips and tricks for beginners as followed:  1. Choose the right class in the game According to the official website, there are five different classes provided for players in Ni No Kuni: Cross Worlds, covering Swordsman, Witch, Rogue, Engineer, and Destroyer. It is highly recommended that the novice should choose Swordsman or Witch in that both characters boast sound basic stats and exciting gameplay to complete missions. It should be noted that the class players choose at the beginning can not be altered during the process.  2. Make use of the Auto-Quest feature It is a good helper for players in Ni No Kuni: Cross Worlds that the game boasts an automatic feature to complete quests. The auto-battle is also set on default, which indicates that characters in the game can fin