
Showing posts from May, 2022

Beginners' Guide | How to Download and Play Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds Global on Redfinger

In addition to the fact that May 25 witnessed the launch of the long-awaited game - Ragnarok V: Returns, Netmarble brings Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds to the public on the same day. Originally released in Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan last year, the game's global server is out.  There is no doubt for players who enjoy the series for a long time are familiar with the similar content. If you want to return to the world of Ni no Kuni with redfinger cloud phone swiftly, hope this article finds you well. 5 different classes available to be played and chosen in Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds are Rogue, Destroyer, Engineer, Swordsman and Witch. It should be noted that players can customize the class’s appearance in Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds, covering hairstyle, hair and eye color, and skin tone. As a long-range attacker, Rogue can employ a bow and grant buffs to party members. Destroyer - a tank role - uses a large hammer as a weapon. Engineer can utilize a versatile range of firearms to attack ene

Beginners' Guide | How to Download and Play Ragnarok V: Returns on Redfinger

May 25 witnessed the launch of the long-awaited game - Ragnarok V: Returns following two rounds of closed beta tests in recent months. Developed by Gravity Neocyon - a subsidiary of Gravity, Ragnarok V: Returns is the sequel to Ragnarok: Valkyrie Uprising, enabling over five million adventurers across the world to play.  Unique to other MMO role-playing games, Ragnarok V: Returns allows users to play cross-platform on mobile as well as PC. The primary target market for Android/iOS is Oceania at the initial stage. However, as per the official announcement, the global version for the mobile version will also be released in the near future.  The classes in Ragnarok V: Returns can be divided into Swordsman, Mage, Thief, Archer, Merchant, and Acolyte. Similar to other Ragnarok Online series games, the game boasts a growth system, battles, and a separate community. Three main currencies can be found in Ragnarok V: Returns. Players can earn Zeny via killing monsters. Diamond can be obtained b

遊戲指南|使用紅手指雲手機暢玩休閒卡牌手機遊戲《RO 仙境傳說:魔物遠征》

5月11日,Gravity新推出一款休閒卡牌手機遊戲《RO 仙境傳說:魔物遠征》。新作延續了《RO 仙境傳說 Online》許多經典元素,重新詮釋了遊戲中魔物和角色,讓RO遊戲玩家擁有不同的情懷與回憶,開啟屬於玩家們的遠征之旅。 RO老玩家無不對《RO仙境傳說:魔物遠征》頭飾系統感到頗為熟悉,其實也對新玩家也很友好,玩家可以收集各種頭飾來打扮遊戲中的角色,除了能夠賦予一定的能力外,還能獲得不同的特殊效果。作為《RO仙境傳說:魔物遠征》遊戲裡面的一個頗有挑戰性的系統,吉分塔更加考驗玩家們的魔物搭配能力,因為每一層都會有不同的關卡特性及難度,每次如果通關也會讓玩家獲得相對應的遊戲獎勵。 魔物的種類如此之多,那玩家們可以充分的利用它們各自的特色及屬性來進行工作戰鬥的安排!而在這款遊戲中沿用了RO仙境傳說中的代表性的特色職業,並且玩家選定角色後還能自由轉職成另外13類富有特征的二轉職業,玩家們感受不同職業之間的輕鬆變換。 同樣的,《RO仙境傳說:魔物遠征》也擁有自動戰鬥這一功能特性。玩家們可以在戰鬥前對魔物們進行提升職級以及安排戰鬥,釋放雙手,升級卻又不浪費寶貴的休閒時光,離線也能享受到戰鬥帶來的豐收快樂。此外,玩家可以在《RO仙境傳說:魔物遠征》遊戲中獲得掛機獎勵,獎勵會依據遠征的難度逐漸提升。但值得注意的是,獎勵累計至多12小時,玩家們記得及時領取。 截止目前,紅手指雲手機平台支持市場上大部分的手機遊戲,不用擔心遊戲的不適配問題。隨著大部分手機遊戲所佔用的儲存空間變得越來越大,對於喜歡下載多款手游的玩家來說,手機的儲存空間往往是不夠的。然而,如果玩家使用紅手指雲手機平台,手機存儲的顧慮無需擔心,可以隨心暢玩熱衷的遊戲。 截止目前,紅手指雲手機平台支持市場上大部分的手機遊戲,不用擔心遊戲的不適配問題。隨著大部分手機遊戲所佔用的儲存空間變得越來越大,對於喜歡下載多款手游的玩家來說,手機的儲存空間往往是不夠的。然而,如果玩家使用紅手指雲手機平台,手機存儲的顧慮無需擔心,可以隨心暢玩熱衷的遊戲。同時,玩家還可以用同一個紅手指賬戶管理多臺雲手機,以滿足多任務、多賬號運行需求。 玩家如何下載和遊玩《RO 仙境傳說:魔物遠征》 1.在Google Play中搜索 REFINGER 並下載應用程序 或者單擊官方網站並通過瀏覽器使用該應用程序。 2. 完成登錄步驟以訪問紅手指雲智能手機。

How to Download and Play Ragnarok Labyrinth NFT on Redfinger

As the first official Ragnarok Online IP with Play To Earn and NFT elements, Ragnarok Labyrinth NFT   integrated with blockchain technology. Q2 of this year witnesses the launch of this mobile game with Idle MMORPG genre, developed by Gravity Game Link . Ragnarok Labyrinth NFT   boasts  4 main classes , covering Swordsman, Archer, Thief and Magician. According to the official website, there are two advanced jobs of a specific class: Swordman are strong-willed fighters seeking to lead with their sword and shield. Knight and Lord Knight   are Swordman ’ s a dvanced job . Mages are naturally imbued with the powers of the elements within their souls.   Wizard and High Wizard   are the corresponding a dvanced job . Archers can increase their focus and concentration, usually wielding a bow and arrow, to hunt monsters.   Hunter and Sniper   are theirs. Thieves excel in having high flee and their ability to land their attacks fast. Assassin and Assassin Cross   belong to thieves ’   advanced j