
Showing posts from March, 2022

Beginners' Guide | How to Download and Play Seven Knights 2 on Redfinger

As the sequel to the first Seven Knights, Seven Knights 2 expounds the story related to the following events of the first game, which is told from the perspective of a different party. Some tips and tricks are provided for beginners in Seven Knights 2 to be on the right track in the game at the primary stage.  It's better to make sure that the team players gather is ready to face any enemy. Players need to correctly distribute characters within the team, covering DPS heroes, Tank Heroes, Aoe Heroes and Healer Heroes. If players have just played Seven Knights 2 for weeks, rerolling account is more advisable. Players can be easy to gather the strongest hero players desire to begin their adventures.  It is essential for players to join an active guild to obtain Gold. The Guild Store and Guild Raid Rewards are solutions to getting gold. Only by doing so, can players be able to progress through story mode in a fast manner. It's recommended that players should join the casual guild a

Beginners' Guide | How to Download and Play Cross Gate M on Redfinger

As an MMORPG mobile game crafted by Japanese gaming giant SQUARE ENIX and distributed by Gamania, Cross Gate M was launched on June 25, 2019 on both iOS and Android platforms. Looking back, Cross Gate is an iconic classic game for gamers born in the 70s and the 80s. The release of Cross Gate M is a significant event for both SQUARE ENIX and Gamania.  Due to the fact that Cross Gate M has greatly restored the original game content, pictures, characters and gameplay, players can remember the scenes similar to previous work as soon as they start the adventures. Since the game is a mobile version, some new features are added to the Cross Gate M, which can be differentiated from the desktop version during the development process. Cross Gate M boasts the auto function, enabling players not to spend all the day on the map and making it easy to find the relevant NPC. In addition, players can fight against the monsters in an automatic manner. Compared with the original work, the game image qual

Beginners' Guide | How to Download and Play Tailed Demon Slayer on Redfinger

Developed by South Korean developer CookApps - the creators of AFK Dungeon and Shadow Knights, Tailed Demon Slayer is an idle RPG similar to the likes of Nonstop Knight. This game allows players to enjoy the adventure in Bestia, a once happy and peaceful little town turned dark.  As usual, leveling up is the most effective means to advance players' characters in Tailed Demon Slayer. In this sense, the ability to unlock and grasp new skills in Tailed Demon Slayer is a must to help players battle the zombies. To make players' fox be stronger, there are three aspects needed to improve: Attack, Health, and Health Recovery. It seems to be simple to learn for players but essential. Gold is consumed in leveling up these factors, delivering tangible results to boast incredible powers.  It should be noted that a mastery exerts a great impact on players' fighting abilities. It can range from raising money earned by foes to decreasing skill cooldowns, from doing more damage to boss mo

Beginners' Guide | How to Download and Play Lineage 2M on Redfinger

As the second mobile version of Lineage - a mega-hit massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) and published by NCSoft Corp. - has become available in Taiwan.  Lineage 2M now boasts a total of 6 classes. According to the weapon each character can employ, there are the following classes: Sword, Dual Blades, Dagger, Bow, Staff, and Orb. Every class, for sure, has its own characteristics as well as role in the game and needs to invest in different stats.  Melee classes, covering Sword, Dual Blades, and Dagger, make full use of the 'STR' stat. Magic attack classes, covering Staff and Orb, require high ‘INT’. While 'DEX' is essential for Bow users, a ranged attack class. At the initial stage, improving these stats accordingly is needed on the basis of character's class in Lineage 2M.  It should be noted that Lineage 2M offers an auto-questing feature. Players can enable their characters in the game to navigate in an automatic manner towards the correspondin

Beginners' Guide | How to Download and Play TwelveskyM on Redfinger

February 26, 2020, witnessed the launch of TwelveskyM, developed by the Korean game manufacturer Ntori. The game is adapted from the classic MMORPG game Twelvesky 2, gaining popularity in South Korea, mainland Japan and other Asian countries from 2004 to 2007. As a combat mobile MMORPG, TwelveskyM enables game adventurers to participate in the war between three prestigious factions in their own right.  In this sense, there is a need for players to choose one faction so as to fight to keep the dominance over the other two factions by advancing weapons and armor and master martial art skills. If players want to be the leading in factions, forming guild and assembling army for great cause is needed. In addition, establish reputation for guild with triumphs across relentless guild wars and sieges.  Similar to most games, players need to complete various quests in TwelveskyM, in order to grasp a comprehensive understanding of the game plot as well as receive rewards, such as EXP, currency i

Beginners' Guide | How to Download and Play Lineage W on Redfinger

As NCSoft's latest medieval fantasy MMORPG in the Lineage series of games, Lineage W is considered to be one of the top-grossing video game franchises. It enables beginners and experienced and veteran players to boast plenty of new experiences.  In the first place, knowing your hero’s role in the team is a must to become a better player. The class in Lineage W can be mainly divided into four categories, covering Knight, Monarch, Magician, Elf. Based on class and role, each hero has s specific set of skills and abilities. It is common that there are two types of abilities: Techniques and Magic Arts. Non-magic users covering the Knight have more Techniques while spellcasters like the Magician can execute Magic Arts and a weapon is not needed to cast.  Besides, players in Lineage W are able to unlock new skills via the completion of quests. These abilities can be assigned to their auto-cast menu, enabling players to perform automatically. As far as the author's concerned, it's

Beginners' Guide | How to Download and Play DK Mobile The Return of Heroes on Redfinger

February 24, 2022, witnessed the launch of DK Mobile The Return of Heroes. As a new MMORPG mobile game by the Mover Games, DK Mobile The Return of Heroes is adapted from the popular game in South Korea - DK Online. The game has gained more than one million downloads in South Korea, aiming to provide players with great pleasure in the PVP section, diversified copies, enjoyable combat experience, and enabling adventurers to work together with guild members to defeat the final boss in the game. The game boasts five main characters, covering Warrock, Sorceress, Paladin, Archer, and Warrior. Each character has shared equipment and exclusive equipment. They for sure have different ability attributes. When adventurers begin to play DK Mobile The Return of Heroes at the initial stage,  characters can be created in each server. In addition, 2 additional characters can be unlocked by purchasing specific items. It should be noted that players can choose to delete the character after reaching leve

遊戲指南|使用紅手指雲手機暢玩韓國超高自由度MMO手遊《DK Mobile:英雄歸來》

2022年2月24日,《DK Mobile:英雄歸來》開服。作為一款由Mover Games 魔塊遊戲平台所代理的新款MMORPG手機遊戲,《DK Mobile:英雄歸來》改編自韓國人氣《DK Online》,保留了諸多原作的元素,同時也增添了些許新元素。該款遊戲在韓國突破百萬下載量,旨在為玩家在遊戲世界裡享受PVP帶來的樂趣、多元化的副本、奇妙的打擊體驗以及和公會成員齊心協力打敗最終BOSS。 《DK Mobile:英雄歸來》在遊戲中有五大職業(聖騎士、弓箭手、法師、戰士、術士),各職業有共用的裝備和各職業的專屬裝備,固然也有著不同的能力屬性。每個伺服器內初始可以創建2個角色,通過遊戲內現金商店購買“厄俄斯的欄位擴張卷軸”可以額外解鎖多2個角色。值得注意的是,角色達到50級後可選擇刪除。 如果有打算課金的玩家,在《DK Mobile:英雄歸來》中可以選擇法師、術士,兩個魔法職業都擁有很高的傷害,而法師更是特別強,但是需要強大的裝備支撐。而對於一般新手玩家,可以選擇戰士或是弓箭手,兩個職業在裝備需求方面都是比較低的,入門的門檻也比較低。 玩家可以透過互動在《DK Mobile:英雄歸來》遊戲中接受主線及相關支線任務,以此提升等級獲取任務獎勵。遊戲中的符文相當重要,影響很大的戰鬥表現,主要分為了15套符文,新手會推薦選擇守護套裝,可以大大提升遊戲初期的防禦,增加掛網的生存能力,也可以到更高等的地方掛網。挑戰副本的玩法也很多,但是進入副本需要交入場費,不同的副本層數入場費也會不盡相同,玩家們根據個人的需要和興趣自由挑戰即可。 紅手指作為一款虛擬安卓APP,玩家可以在一臺設備上運行多臺手機。玩家還可以用同一個紅手指賬戶管理多臺雲手機,以滿足多任務、多賬號運行需求。使用紅手指雲手機,玩家還可以24*7不間斷運行游戲或程式。 紅手指雲手機平台支持市場上大部分的手機遊戲,不用擔心會影響到遊戲的流暢度。目前,大部分的手機遊戲所佔用的儲存空間越來越多,因此對於喜歡下載多款手游的玩家來說,手機的儲存空間往往是不夠的,然而如果是使用紅手指雲手機平台,就不用擔心該問題。 玩家如何下載和遊玩《DK Mobile:英雄歸來》 1.在Google Play中搜索 REFINGER 並下載應用程序 或者單擊官方網站並通過瀏覽器使用該應用程序。 2. 完成登錄步驟以訪問紅手指雲智能手機。 注意:如

Beginners' Guide | How to Download and Play Summoners War on Redfinger

Developed by Com2us, Summoners War is characterized by a mobile strategy game set in an imaginary universe. Players need to open scrolls to summon powerful monsters, allowing monsters to battle against increasingly strong opponents or against real players. They can be upgraded to a 6-star grade even if sufficient experience from battles can be gained. These tips aim to give beginners hands to enjoy their journey and become the strongest summoners.  There is a possibility for players to complete a specific mission many times until they find a special item or monster. Due to the fact that the results are totally random, players should repeat missions more than once. Players can see loot table of missions via clicking the "drop info" button. A train of monsters can be found in the game. As such, it is hard to find out which ones to spend energy on. If players notice a monster they really like, there is nothing wrong with leveling it up. It should be noted that to level up a mons

Beginners' Guide | How to Download and Play Play Together on Redfinger

As a massive online virtual world game, Play Together combines hordes of activities in store for worldwide players with numerous mini-games as well as tasks. This game enables you to eat, play and shop at the plaza, and attend classes in this virtual world. In addition, you can run errands and complete tasks for exchanging currency. By doing so, you can attend a camp, purchase furniture and houses, v aluable commodities like vehicles . What players want to do can be realized in this game. Upon creating avatar, you should follow a basic mission list coming from Ms Info. With the help of the manager, a list of quests will be received. You will also gain 100 stars following this step. It should be noted that stars are in-game currency. You will be granted to stars as your rewards through completing the beginner missions in Play Together. By finding the plaza with pressing the navigate button, you can gain stars in the Kaia Island   where most of the action takes place . It is recommended

Beginners' Guide | How to Download and Play Moonlight Sculptor on Redfinger

As an MMORPG launched by Kakao Games, Moonlight Sculptor is a game based on The Legendary Moonlight Sculptor, the light novel of Nam Hi-Sung. The story depicts Lee-Hyun - a manipulative, moneyhungry jerk-with-a-heart-of-gold - becomes a legendary Continent Of Magic player. Players can grasp an understanding of the basic functions, etc. to level up in this game according to moonlight sculptor game guide. By completing main quests, daily quests and hunting monsters, players can get more EXP to level up in moonlight sculptor. When players level up to more than level 10, they will have the chance to obtain the stat points, which can be used to build the attribute of characters. The class can be divided into different categories, covering Warrior, Mage, Archer, Paladin, Alchemist and Sculptor.  In addition, various recipes can be found in the game, enabling players to cook and consume for temporary buffs. Players are able to get buff, such as an increase in strength, charisma, constitution

遊戲指南|使用紅手指雲手機暢玩三國題材策略模擬手游《新三國 漢室復興》

作為一款由 MoreFun Game 開發 、 荷米斯遊戲代理發行的策略模擬手游 , 《新三國 漢室復興》 以三國演義作為參考藍本,旨在還願三國時期發生的各種故事。該遊戲融合了多種玩法,來讓玩家體驗最正統的三國世界。玩家可以通過使用紅手指雲手機來下載 《新三國 漢室復興》 , 建立屬於自己的國家,廣戰四方,贏得不朽功績。 除開 集國戰、團戰、武將養成、城市建設、陣營對抗 等玩法 , 在遊戲體驗過程中,玩家可以體驗到兩種不同的核心玩法,模擬經營以及 闖關 。 這兩種模式因為存在一定的互補關係,玩家需要合理地建設 與運營來提升隊伍的兵力與戰力 。 在此過程中,通過強大的隊伍來打副本,能夠獲得更多的資源用於模擬經營玩法。 紅手指 作為 一款虛擬安卓 APP ,玩家可以 在一臺設備上運行多臺手機。 玩家 還可以用同一個紅手指賬戶管理多臺雲手機,以滿足多任務 、 多賬號運行需求。 使用 紅手指 雲手機 , 玩家還 可以 24*7 不間斷運行游戲或程式 。 紅手指雲手機平台支持市場上大部分的手機遊戲, 不用擔心會影響到遊戲的流暢度。目前,大部分的手機遊戲(尤其是大型線上 RPG 手游)所佔用的儲存空間越來越多,因此對於喜歡下載多款大型 RPG 手游的玩家來說,手機的儲存空間往往是不夠的,然而如果是使用 紅手指雲手機平台 ,就不用擔心該問題。 除了 Google Play 應用程式商店,玩家可以用 紅手指雲手機自帶的 應用程式商店 來搜索並下載 《新三國 漢室復興》 。 下載並安裝完畢後 , 便可以 進入遊戲登錄介面 來暢玩該款遊戲,開始玩家自己的 “新三國”。 玩家 如何下載和遊玩《新三國 漢室復興》 1.  在 Google Play 中搜索 REFINGER 並下載應用程序 或者 單擊官方網站並通過瀏覽器使用該應用程序。 2. 完成登錄步驟以訪問紅手指雲智能手機。 注意:如果您遇到相關問題,請查看我們的 教程視頻 。 3. 在 REDFINGER APP Store 的搜索欄中 搜索 《新三國 漢室復興》 。 4.   在 紅手指雲手機 中下載並安裝遊戲。 5.   運行遊戲。

Beginners' Guide | How to Download and Play MapleStory M on Redfinger

As the mobile version of MapleStory, MapleStory M features various modes,, covering story-quest, dungeon, daily events, expedition, and etc.. Players may be confused about everything that is going on in the background when they play the game at first. This article is designed to allow players to grasp an understanding of MapleStory M   with Redfinger. As is known to all, quests are the main means to start journey in MapleStory M . It should be noted that main source of the revenue lies in quests in this game. Traveling is an important part of quests. By doing so, one area of the map can be transferred to the other. Although walking is tedious, the game covers a function of auto-playing when players are busy with other things. Upon the launch, the feature will work in an automatic manner to reach the specific destination.   What players need to do is to complete quests from level 1 to 85. However, after that, quests will be run out prior to reaching the next level. To gain EXP needed, p

Beginners' Guide | How to Download and Play Last Cloudia on Redfinger

Last Cloudia - an action RPG - enables players to unleash powerful skills so as to take down various enemies. Ways to use the Ark system and summon more Arks are included in this article. Therefore, let's start our journey to enjoy the adventure. In Last Cloudia, Arks are sets of gear, enabling bonus attributes and stats to units. Please note that they just have one equipped at a time. An Ark is able to boast no less than 6 skills. Ark Skill Points (AP) can be gained to unleash more skills while a unit wins a battle with the Ark equipped. If enough AP can be gained to master a skill, they for sure can learn the skill and access it even when there is no Ark equipped. What players need to obtain all the skills is to level up the Ark in the first place. However, leveling up Arks enhances the amount of bonus stats and the cost of taking the Ark.  It's best to complete sub quests and optional quests in Last Cloudia because these quests can allocate rewards to players. Besides, by do

Beginners' Guide | How to Download and Play Lineage 2: Revolution on Redfinger

Lineage 2: Revolution, which is developed by Netmarble Studios, is available on iOS as well as Android. As one of the MMORPGs on mobile using Unreal Engine 4, the game enables players to boast a sound experience in pictures.  Known for its huge real-time massive battles, the game has Clans and Guilds that allow players to party up with thousands of other players worldwide. In this sense, players are able to defeat huge bosses, engage in PvP combat and loot dungeons with the guild. Similar to most games in this sector, players need to choose a class to play. Due to the fact that the game is based on grinding, the largest benefits lie in ranged and agile characters. Thus, Human Hawkeye and Silver Ranger are highly recommended. If players want to try a Tank class, Human Paladin is your best choice. An Elf temple Knight, however, is one of the only classes with invulnerability. A novice should not level any of basic skills higher than level 4. Upgrading passive skills and focusing on activ